

A pedagogical visit for students from the Economic Welfare Club at the University of Jijel to AQS

As part of the Algerian Qatari Steel Company's commitment to fostering external engagement, the company hosted a group of students from the Economic Welfare Club at the University of Jijel, accompanied by supervising professors. The students conducted a tour of the facilities, enabling them to observe the manufacturing and shaping processes of reinforcement iron and iron wire coils. The company ...


Algerian Qatari Steel Company is distributing 1000 Ramadan food baskets in celebration of the holy month.

As part of its social programme and as a national company, Algerian Qatari Steel Company distributed 1,000 Ramadan food baskets to needy families on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan 1445 H / 2024 AD, in collaboration with local charity associations in the Milia district.

The distribution process commenced with a signal from the Deputy General Manager of the company, ...


Algerian Qatari Steel Company has announced plans to expand its factory.

His Excellency Sheikh Faisal bin Thani Al Thani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar Mining Company, announced that the "Algerian Qatari Steel" held its board of directors and general assembly meetings on Tuesday, 27 February 2024. The company achieved profits for the second consecutive year, with an increase of 34% compared to 2022.

Engineer Khaled Ahmed Al Obaidli, Chairman of t ...